$COLLIE Launch Recap
It`s time for a short recap of the $COLLIE token launch and what happened since then. At the end there will also be a few hints what is about to happen in the near future.
The Initial Token Launch
Initially $COLLIE was launched on uniswap with very low liquidity added to it. There was no presale or any other way to raise funds for the liquidity. Everything was self-funded and the liquidity got also locked shortly after the launch using team.finance.
A few hours before the uniswap launch the official telegram group was created to combat initial bot buyers. Unfortunately, one early listing bot buyer was able to buy a huge amount of $COLLIE at the beginning but luckily he decided to sell them in chunks very early on and only has a small amount left.
However, the liquidity on uniswap has grown a lot since the initial launch as well as the volume which increased to more than 300,000$ within the first 24 hours. Nevertheless, a few community members raised awarness that the liquidity would still be too low. A few options to combat this issue will be released in the near future.
Community Growth
The Collie-Community has grown a lot in a very short period of time. At time of writing the community telegram already has reached more than 120 members without any special marketing activities nor ads. Just natural growth and mouth-to-mouth-promotion.
Personally I`m very impressed how this community is working together and supporting me and trusting in my work.
Thanks a lot.
Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CollieToken
Telegram: https://t.me/collie_family
Website: pending …
Token Information
Contract: 0x7EEF8EC3C8E880eD620882c0b9831CEA23c3cDCc
Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x7eef8ec3c8e880ed620882c0b9831cea23c3cdcc
Dextools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x6285368720103c8975cb74d401bbbb90508bacf6
Locked Tokens and 100% Locked Liquidity: https://team.finance/view-coin/0x7EEF8EC3C8E880eD620882c0b9831CEA23c3cDCc?name=COLLIE&symbol=COLLIE
Closing words
I`m still very impressed by the whole Collie family. The love, commitment and contributions are overwhelming.
Something I would have never expected to happen.
You COLLIES rock!